We are moving into an active week, active in that things are changing, the pace is picking up and you can get a lot done.
It’s like you have a wind in your back that is not only blowing away things out of bounce that is not for you, but it’s also helping you move forward with ease.
If you are not headed in the right direction, this week is full of opportunities to get back on the right track with that extra wind in you back.
This week you might step upon a new relationship or a compassionate friend you can share your concerns with.
Stay open for Invitations to social events, romance in the air.
Tuesday Venus and Mercury get things going when Venus picks up the pace as it moves into Gemini for the next six weeks, giving us even more opportunities to swoon over new happenings, persons and actions.
Later on that same day we can get an indication of unexpected or unwelcomed communications.
July 5 a three week period starts, where it will be easier to express ourselves. Even so on Wednesday the edges might become a bit blurred.
Either stirring up your creative and spiritual juices or make you want to curl up and hide under the nearest blanket.
Then on Sunday the Full Moon comes to rescue us and puts on the brakes.
This Capricorn Full Moon’s ability to be serious and focus on what is important is just what the doctor ordered right now.
So this week, take the steps, do what you want to do and do it out of joy, curiosity and love.
Affirmation for the week is: Life shows me the way and I stay open to see and follow.
Have a beautiful week!