I am so happy to present this Summer Activation program to you. It's something outside my usual coaching program in the way that I've been called to do it during a short period and it will mainly be the energy doing the work when we meet via Zoom at three one hour individual sessions.
For sure we will have some time to talk and for you to share where you are at, ask questions and so on but the main event will be energy work through a guided igniting meditation as well as channeling what your beautiful heart wants to tell you.
Now even if it is your heart that we will follow my calling is to open your energy with three keys this summer which are - To deepen your heart communication, to go beyond your minds old structures and beliefs, to reach that peaceful effortless state of joy, appreciation and acceptance of yourself and life.
I will be using the vibrant energy of summer as well as energy I've picked up on my Energy Adventures around the world as a key to unlock this flow with you. As always the energy will meet you where you are right now, making the transformation feel organic and available for all no matter how much experience you have in regards of meditation or energy work.
Since this has come to me as a calling, I like to extend that vibration to you. This is not for your mind to decide whether or not it's for you. but let your heart speak.
If you feel excited and light reading this, then you are one who this is supposed to reach. I told you it is not my usual Coach program =)
If you feel intrigued but hesitant, you can always send me an e-mail with your questions or just sit on it for a while, asking your body to show you your answer.
If it none of the above then this Activation is not for you so please don't let your mind try and convince you it should be or ought to be.

If you are interested in investing some of your time in yourself this summer this is what we will do:
We’ll meet up on Zoom three times for about an hour each. In every meeting I will connect with an energetic key to activate your energy and or remove outdated energies and communicate with your heart. This is not my typical coach program since we will be working with your energy mostly through igniting meditations and heart readings/transmissions, bypassing your mind. After we talk about your inner journey and if you have any questions.
The three keys for this Summer Activation are: Heart Communication, Go Beyond and Enjoy.
All sessions are recorded and send to you after.
Language, Swedish or English
All you need is to have a somewhat quiet comfortable place with a good internet connection, pen and paper and lust to communicate with your heart.
Investment –
Basic - €390 - Three zoom sessions, three Follow-up/Q&A
Please follow this link for your Summer Activation:
Summer Activation 2 - €475 – Three Zoom sessions, six Follow up/Q&A, one Zoom Follow-up session 30 minutes.
Summer Activation 3 - €550 – Three Zoom sessions, 10 Follow-up/Q&A, one Zoom Follow-up session 60 minutes.
A ’Follow-up Q&A’ means you can send me a written question whenever it pops up during this time around your journey, via WhatsApp or e-mail. I’ll answer within two days and if you like I’ll clarify with a tarot card.
’Zoom Follow-up session’ in Activation two and three, means, about a month after your last key session we’ll meet up on Zoom again to check and witness how it’s going and listen with your heart what it wants to let you know after the dust has settled.
The Summer Activation is open between the 30 of June to the 31 of August this year. I recommend that there is at least one week in between the sessions. Apart from that you’ll decide your pace.
I feel really excited about this and after having been still for so long, I knew something new would bloom and this is the first of many, I’m sure.
Love and Light!
P.s if you live in the Southern Hemisphere and winter is upon you, it doesn’t matter as long as you feel this is for you. I’ll be connecting with the active energy of summer as a key and bring it to you for this Activation.