This is for those of you who have already done an Activation and Ignition coaching with me and like to freshen up as your energy expands. It is a three-part coaching. 1 x 30 minutes, 1 x 60 minutes, 1 x 30 minutes. Part one – 30 minutes - We start with a channeled reading where I tune in to your energy to get information about where you are and what we should put our focus on at this time. This is done from a distance. I'll send you the channeled session in a Mp3 format. Part two – 60 minutes – In this next part, held earliest two days after part 1 and no later than two weeks after, we meet on Zoom for a coach hour. Part three – 30-minute Zoom follow up to check in with how it's going. You can ask questions to help you navigate what we have been working with and your refreshed set of energetic tools. You may book this session two weeks after session two at the earliest an no later than 2 months after. Language - English or Swedish If you have any questions, please send me an e-mail maria@mariarinne.com. Have a Pure Heart day! Maria
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app