We have just had a very powerful New Moon eclipse and it is continuing this week to influence with its strong energies. A New Moon is about turning page, starting up and this is also about breaking out of your old habits, old way of thinking and letting life guide you in a new way. It will happen organically and smooth if you stay open for changes.
This week we are starting to bloom. We have put down the seeds in the past weeks so now it’s starting to show. You know that small little green bit that is coming up from earth, that small little plant. That is us at the moment. It’s our plans, visions or ideas in whatever area it might be.
This week gratitude is a big help to keep bring more into your life.
On Wednesday 1 of March we begin the month looking more like a lamb than a lion because its call for a quiet day of contemplation and reflection.
Are you working too hard? Don’t forget to put in some fun in your life as well, to balance and keep your physical and emotional health.
Do what you can to reduce stress in life. Find moments during the day to take little breaks, don’t be afraid to ask for help.
Thursday dares you to be your most authentic self by breaking free from social patterns.
On Saturday Venus is going retrograde. Downside being relationships and money issues can be muddled. The upside is that this time makes it easy to get rid of the last remains of that old flame that’s still smouldering in the secret chambers of your heart.
Sunday can be super productive with hard work + following rules = success.
It looks like a good weekend because communication will be logical and objective.
A quick tool for the week, start by taking three deep breaths.
Then bring up anything from your life, could be from this day, from you, could be from this week last week, whatever. Anything that you are grateful to and give thanks for this thought, action, person or maybe event being in your life. Feel this gratitude from your toes and up. Give thanks without wanting more or less, without judgment or comparison for anything just its gratitude for whatever you’ve chosen and that’s it.
Enjoy the week!