We are moving into a week with some warm, fuzzy, caring energies when the sun moves into Cancer - spotlighting family, emotions, housing and women for the coming month.
With this taking care energy you might focus on others flaws that you will want to fix or take care of.
We would like to ask you to take care of yourself first!
See if the flaws or changes you see in others has something to do with any part of you that you can heal. See it as a mirror of your own parts that needs some care taking.
It might be in a different situation or different area than the one you see but with the same essence. This week gives us an excellent opportunity to heal. It’s just like the airplane, you put on your mask first and then you can help others.
Wednesday we have a change in the seasonal calendar that bring us to the first day of summer – Summer solstice – the longest day of the year.
Then on Friday we have a beautiful New Moon that is helping us to start up any project, vision, ideas that’s been on our minds. Consider new and creative modes of accomplishing your new goals. Discuss with those you trust can help you, old and new ways.
If your goals are met with resistance it may be due to the method you are using to attain them rather than a flaw in your actual plan.
Go with your gut feeling when remaining true to your principles while still listening to those around you that you trust.
Mercury makes a move that gives us logical and objective communication but since it moves in Cancer, communication will be based more on gut feelings than the spoken word.
On Saturday there is some heavy love vibes going down. Make sure things don’t get out of hand.
Sunday is a good time to relax and kick back and lead with your intuition.
Soak up the sun, feel the wind, stand firmly with your feet on the ground/earth and have a beautiful week.
Affirmation for the week: My core is strong, light and loud when it shows me my way.
Keeping it summer light!