This week we start off with Mondays Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse as the perfect lead-in to a week with strong energy shifts. The eclipse looks like it might be one of the more peaceable eclipses.
Full moon is usually a good time to wind down projects and complete things and this one points us to the areas that has to do with friends, politics or humanitarian concerns.
At the same time we are moving through the Lion Gate portal (strongest shift on Tuesday) with the stage being set for a magical time coming up, that will allow you to make some hoped-for changes.
Things that are happening this week might be coming to you out of the blue. Surprises might show up in thoughts, actions, reactions and/or some unexpected good luck.
Remember to keep the momentum going. Your sudden move forward may bring with it the need to do a little more research. If so, do it with speed and optimism.
Surround yourself with positive people who can cheer you and stay optimistic about your plans.
Your task this week is to keep breathing, keep balanced, and grounded. Align with your true potential, your heart and your body as often as you can. Go within every day and every time you are facing a decision.
The hard part of the week comes if you try to control the flow.
Instead release them into a free flow and if they show up in a way that you are not custom to, just let them come.
You don’t need to take action right now, just let them come and understand that your intuition is the perfect one. If you want to take action then you do so.
By the end of the week, things will start to calm down and feel a little bit easier, from all energy that’s been transforming and moving us along. It’s a bit like we are being pushed through the opening and by the end of the week we are on the other side.
If you are an artist, lover and or a seeker take notice of Saturday (12/8). This day will bring out your romantic, imaginative, creative and/or spiritual sides.
Later that day Mercury goes retrograde, up until 5/9.
While you take care of all the small stuff, take care not to get stuck in the details still suing care in commerce, communications and signing off contracts.
Mercury retrograde is also a great time for personal recycling, reviewing, rethinking, and redoing.
The week comes to a good close on Sunday and this day even work could seem more like fun.
Affirmation for the week; When I let my thoughts flow free – I feel the magic open up.