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I’ve just had the pleasure to be part of a beautiful E-book themed RELEASE.

It’s artwork in a special technique from Japan called Suminagashi, paired with stories about surrender & letting go.

Artist and creator behind the book is Austrian kinesiologist, coach and artist Eva Gossenreiter.

The entire process of

Suminagashi is about

releasing control, and

opening up to the opportunities

that exist

beyond the individual’s


My story...

I love the word RELEASE and the thought of it. For me, release is a start-up. It’s something new about to come in to my life, body and mind. I’m making room for it by letting whatever it is that is taking up space, go.

I may not know what it’s supposed to be replaced by. Sometimes it could be replaced by nothing. Only a void for a period until the perfect mass, at that moment, connects. That can be both nerve-racking and frustrating.

Luckily there is a major shift going on with energies sweeping the earth, opening, adding and helping us release what is no longer in our highest good. For us all to step into a new way of life. A way where joy is our compass and beauty the reward. Where we act out of love and connection to all there is. A way where our free heart is our captain, our body the sails and our minds the helping sailors.

Sometimes we don’t know what it is we need to let go off or why. Other times we might think we should let something go, that in fact is there for us to learn and grow. So, it’s not an easy task our captain must deal with when it comes to what and what not to release.

A few years back I went through some hard years struggling with a close relative’s addiction. At first, I tried everything in the book to help him heal. Over time I went through all emotions in the scale while digging myself into a hole when trying to help. One day I realized I was so far down that the only way up was to let go. You can be there with love and support when they are ready for it but in regards of salvation, they can only save themselves.

Anyone who’s been in a similar situation knows that it is heartbreaking to let go in these moments. Still for you to survive you need to release your image that you have any sort of control in terms of the choices they make....

To read my full story, look at the beautiful artwork and get other stories about letting og, please go to: E-book Release

If you are interested in buying any of the artwork, contact;

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