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What's up week 9

It’s a beautiful week with love and friendship on the agenda. It’s a week of compassion and warmth. It’s a week to embrace!

Embrace yourself, those around you and the world. Have patience and don’t worry. Take time to rest and plan your next steps. Your plans may seem to be moving slowly, but the pace is quicker than you realize. Be patient, soon your harvest will come in and you’ll see how successful you have been.

It’s also a week to be as open to receive love, as you might be to give love.

Open your heart, fearless, courageous and accept the beautiful energy that will find its way to you.

The week’s spotlight is on the Virgo Full Moon on Thursday, that is sending out love and compassion.

It shines a high beam on the mind-body connection. Thursday is by far the best day of the year to analyse the effects your thoughts are having on your physical body. Do you treat your body with love and respect or as a foe?

The Virgo Full Moon helps us open our hearts both to ourselves and to those around us. Bringing us together, releasing past errors and judgements. It’s full of Joy and overflows with optimism, confidence and faith. What better day and week to take up that long-lost relationship with our body.

It’s also a Full Moon that can bring us home to our true self, if we let it.

As with all Full Moons it’s a good time to ponder our progress so far. Note improvements or adjustments to our process that we might want to make the next time around.

Why not take the week to envision; who are you when you can be anyone? When you can start over, who would you like to be and not in the terms of outer qualities but inner qualities. What would your trademarks be? How would you approach life if starting from cero, with no history that has shaped or coloured your way? Only future wishful thinking?

See where you end up, play with it and then let it go to the energies of the week. That is a prudent investment of time.

By the end of the week its time to go dark for a few days in order to commune with your soul purpose and reset your priorities. Use the above exercise to get going and connect with your soul.

Sunday is also a good day to write down your thoughts. This day your feelings will come straight from the heart.

Affirmation of the week – My path is beautiful and easy to find!

Enjoy this week with all its love and warmth and have a beautiful week!


p.s. as always you'll find a weekly balancing meditation at the Meditation Bar - Lunch Time Chill

In this week’s meditation we connect to the four elements for a total relaxation and rejuvenation.

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