Today flow has been the key of the day. Flow with emotions, with our light. Flow without expectations and control. Sometimes we think we are in a flow and then get surprised when we end up somewhere unexpected and quickly try to steer or change where we are going. Please don’t! Trust that what happens is what it should be.
O’boy life is so much easier and light is when we let go of the should’s and controlling outcomes. It becomes an adventure, Yes, within this lay working with uncomfortable feelings that shows up here and there when things don’t go as we have expected but when we’ve learned to live and accept that there is a goal to the way even if we can’t see it straight away, that way of life is amazing.
Think of those situations where everything just works, I’m sure we’ve all had them., where you didn’t steer with your mind. Do you remember the lightness in those situations? That is the flow I’m referring to. To just know and do without analysing. A bit like falling in love with someone. It’s usually totally illogical, it just happens. Flow is like falling in love with the movement of life. Not always logical but amazing feeling.
We set our intention that is our compass of choice in life, then release and see where the river of energy takes us.
Today it took me and some friends to a beautiful night swim. Unexpected, unplanned and totally amazing!
Keeping it light and flowing into the night to see what tomorrow brings.
Love always,