Let’s put some magical sparkles on this week. Sprinkling the week with stardust of joy and lightfulness, for best outcome.
There might be stressful days, hectic days where you remember similar situations and get into old habits of fighting mood. Step out of that. This time let’s make a different move. This time let’s breath, let’s be aware of our surrounding from another perspective. One that is searching for warmth, love, laughter. One that is searching for what is right in the day, not what is wrong. A perspective that is laser focused on our feelings of joy, happiness and love and also our feelings of appreciation towards ourselves. There is no other appreciation that is as important as our own in regards of ourselves.
It’s high time to take a bow to our progress. Recognise our own being to reinforce just how powerful and creative we are.
Whether you succeeded or not, looking back, it doesn’t matter. Put your laser focus on finding something that you are appreciative of and let that grow. Let that feeling grow and search for more. Understand that you are a beautiful being filled with light and love. You are not supposed to be perfect without fault. You are here as a human and this is a time to move forward in our spiritual development. To step into an energy of love for a whole new perspective in life and to ourselves.
Communications are in the spotlight this week and things could get tricky if you’re trying to get an important message across. Starting om Monday where you’ll do best to guard your words. Speak out of understanding and love. This is not a week to win discussions no matter what or to be unforgiving. This is a week to, when you have nothing good to say, don’t say anything. Keep it light.
Friday turns up with a show-off of “me” vs “you”. It can point to relationship problems or sudden breakups. Remember that how we treat ourselves, reflects how we treat our surroundings. The quickest path to start a good circle is by treating ourselves well. Listening to our body, our heart and following our inner voice and we’ll be fine in the end.
Coming into the weekend relax, start to formulate new goals for the year to come. Relax into the energy of your own amazing light that you’ve practised and focused on all week. Continue your journey along the path of enlightenment as it’s also a path of joy. You have the magic touch right now so be fearless when choosing your next big accomplishment.
On Sunday both communications and relationships can become much more intense and obsessive due to some planetary moves and it’s easy this day to rub everyone the wrong way. Again relax, listen in and start from a platform of love.
Remember to choose magical sparkles everyday of the week whether it may come from you, nature or your surroundings. You’ll see it when you keep looking for it.
I know I will be going after the magic all week,
Keeping it light,
p.s don’t miss my latest pod episode where we connect to a vibration of Universal Love to ignite our heart chakra. You find “Meditation Jam with Maria Rinné” at Podcaster, Itunes, Stitcher, Soundcloud and more.