There is a strong, fast energy coming in. It might force our mind to refocus. Either that we need to or for us to see another option, even if we didn’t ask for it. To give us opportunities and different views of situations. Let us know that it’s ok to walk away from dishonest associations. Realizing that what we thought we wanted isn’t always the best choice for our happiness.
The energy moves quick. So quick you might not even notice until you are a bit confused of why you took the step you took or ended up where you did or are looking at something you didn’t know you were looking for. Remember that if things don’t go the way you expected them to. If your plans don’t work for you, ask your guides to help you to a new more successful path and focus.
There are three important planetary alignments this week to consider. The first may bring unexpected changes on Monday. It’s difficult to predict whether they are positive or negative seeing that the move comes from unpredictable Uranus.
Next up is Pluto that adds some intrigue on Wednesday when it goes retrograde for the next five months. This is a time when it’s possible for major constructive work to take place on underlying power struggles.
We can use the balanced energy lingering from the last Full Moon to keep us energetically solid and look for answers within. Let your inner voice be heard and listen to what it has to say.
If you feel you are being pulled or having too much to do and you don’t hear yourself, then take a break, if only for a few minutes. To refocus, re-centre and move on.
The last big alignment comes on Saturday and is one to watch when for the next two or three days we can become confused, low in energy, have feelings of discouragement with hints of lies, scandal and deceit.
Take this time to reflect and look back on the week/ the month to see where you ended up. Is it a place where you want to be, or do you want to keep changing? It is good to reflect without judgment. Maybe you need to change a little bit in what you surround yourself with, maybe you need to change a little bit in your thinking and in your focus. See what brings you joy and flow and what creates obstacles and stops. Know that you are choosing your future path every moment.
This is a week to keep your head down, wear a suit of armour and connect with your light!
Stay in integrity and know that the kindness you show others will come back to you. Express gratitude to those who help you along the way and avoid negative individuals.
Love always,
P.s. If you like to balance your energy and you missed last week Full Moon meditation, you can check it out at: