Warm welcome to day 9 in my December Pure Heart Calendar opening!
Today it can feel like we are in a foggy state, not seeing or understanding thing clearly. Maybe even feeling a bit low in vibe.
To go through it, turn on your inner light. Anchor with your heart and feel the stable platform of love that you are standing on, coming from yourself.
Today it’s time to take an inner journey and bring forth the light.
This is also what we are doing in today’s quick igniting meditation.
This week I am using The Medicine Woman tarot by Carol Briges.
Make sure you have some time to be still and relax with the meditation before moving on with the day.
Love and light
P.s remember to subscribe to my blog www.mariarinne.com/blog if you like to be part of this weeks raffle to win a personal Pure Heart Ignition.
Music – by Moby LA11