I am grateful and balanced.
Time to show up to your energy, and changes that has been going on and to do it with gratitude, curiosity and a peaceful balance. This week we are being asked to display that we are grasping the changes, that we are ready to accept the changes, our inner shifts. That we are open to move further into our dynamic of our heart and its wisdom.
This can show up in different ways. Don’t try to figure it out, just go with the flow as always and trust your hearts guidance. Even if it might be non-logical or new territories. Trust it and try it out to see where it takes you. It is also good to stay aware and awake of signs, signals, synchronicities, and guidance. Whether it is from within or from the outside and to keep that grateful and balanced vibe going.
It is a beautiful week to communicate with your heart, to ask questions and see how and where the answers land within your day. Trust your intuition and what you see around you and take the steps to move with your guidance. However, if you don’t feel like you want to follow your hearts guidance at that specific moment, or day, then still recognise that you notice the signal or the guidance and just state that you are not ready. Ask it to, either come back in a later moment or let it know that you will move forward with whatever it might be when you feel it is the right time for you.
The week starts off with a highly romantic vibe on Monday and our focus might go to the softer side of life. It’s also a bit of a lazy day as far as work is concerned, so putt off deadlines to another day to avoid any stress. The whole week has this upbeat vibe that continue until Friday.
Monday is also a good day to notice your new boundaries. Now that Saturn is direct, how good are you now at showing where your boundaries are, in a peaceful manner before it becomes an issue? Do you know what you are okay with and what not? How you want your life to continue? If not play with it from a platform of gratitude and balance.
Tuesday may be filled with humor and openness, making it an excellent time to increase your circle of social and work contacts. Your creativity is high this day so make sure you have some time to explore and expand it. Trust your intuition and inner guidance as to where to focus your creativity. It could be internal problem solving or an actual creation.
Wednesday lively vibes create a keen, can-do attitude, where you can achieve anything, you put your mind to. It is an excellent day to brainstorm and plan. This day also has an energetic opportunity good for hard workers whilst keeping your emotions steady.
Mid-week we get to open our hearts even further to romance.
Thursday is a lovingly sweet date night, but starting Friday the rest of the week’s energies get rather tense, so enjoy the soft vibe while you can.
People may have different visions of how to complete a task or project on Friday, leading to petty standoffs at work as everyone presses for control.
The weekend’s energies are a bit intense on Saturday, and may be filled with rash, reckless energy.
Sunday is a good time to catch up on sleep and rest, and you might need it.
Before starting yesterday’s live Pure Heart Ignition, I got the content of the energy that we’ll be activating and first it was about getting our body into a really peaceful, clear and comfortable space. That is what we did yesterday. The next one, that will be in the 19/11 will be about expanding our courage and will to trust our hearts guidance to actually follow its direction, even the ones that feels uncertain. The third part that is on the 3/12 will be to celebrate, the year, the work and what’s to come. With that expanding our acceptance to the new and our hearts wisdom.
Very exciting and I will add the meditation from the Ignition to the portal this week in "Raise your vibe".
I feel it also goes hand in hand with yesterday’s pod episode that was about peacefully connecting to our inner wisdom.
Love and Light,

This week I've used the oracle cards called – Earth Magic by Steven D.Farmer. Fairies have assumed responsibility for the plants and trees (or Standing Ones). They work with Earth Magic to take care of these beings, and if you ask, they’ll help you with your garden or yard. They also have the power of enchantment and shape-shifting.
Fairies appreciate it when we show them through our actions that we love the Earth as much as they do, and consequently they bestow a little of their Earth Magic upon us.
Whether you live in a small space or have an expanse of land, make it a point to be especially attentive to your surrounding vegetation. Plant something. Get your hands in the dirt, and so with love and enthusiasm. Every flower, tree, or shrub you are tending is a living being, so treat each like you would a dear friend. Ask the fairies to help you take care of these friends, and you will be rewarded many times over.
*My take on this card for the week – going back to the first part of this update, and us having been through some deep energetic shifts the past months, year. The light and uplifting energy from fairies is a lovely way to move through that door of change. To take the steps and not take life so seriously. We can take living seriously but do we’ll to not take life seriously in the sense of excluding joy even when the times are rough or confusing. There is a lot going on in the world and one thing we can do that are not in the midst of it all is to keep a peaceful vibration of joy and light going. Sometimes this is hard and then nature is a beautiful healer and reminder and provider.
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