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What's up week 21

Pure Heart

Yesterday (Sunday 22/5) Mercury came out of its retrograde and are now starting to move forward again.

It will be fully out on the 31/5 but communication are definitely going forward from now on.

This is enhanced on Tuesday when Venus changes sign and going into fiery Gemini that is the astrological equivalent of a Social media site, easily accessed, entertaining and a place where you can create, share and exchange news. It will stay here for the next four weeks so a good time to spread those message you want the world to hear.

Aligned with this planetary setup the energies are going along and tells us that it’s a week where very rewarding relationship is about to begin. It could be a new person entering your life or deepened connection with a current one. It could also be a new relationship with your own psychic abilities and spiritual epiphanies. Believe in yourself and your worthiness to be loved and liked.

Thursday can be a bit challenging or if you like a perfect opportunity to learn how to balance commitments with visions.

Mars is also moving this week and now going into Scorpio, being a time to keep a close watch on your back, from now until June.

Open your heart to love this week and watch for signs that allows your intuition to guide you!

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