I’ve noticed a change going on and I like to confirm it with you all, to speed up it's movement.
We have had an awakening of the female energy for some time, in both woman and men. Now it’s the male energy that is up under the magnifying glass to be re-opened and transformed to its pure core.
I can see it so clear and absolutely love it. It’s not only about the men getting their rightful energy back but also the balance of this energy within women. We all have both and they need to be balanced for a beautiful flow of life in the new energies.
If we don’t agree and accept one, maybe even criticise or deny it, the harmony of free creation is lost.
Now we are well on our way for a perfect duet by staying open to what is happening. It’s not about being a man or a woman it’s about the energies essence and what they help us with as a man or a woman.
So warm welcome pure male energy!
How good it must be for all those born as a man to be able to step into something that is true in its form and not having to live up to a false facade. Also for all women who have an image and/or bad experience of men in this or other lives due to the way it has been abused. Now it’s time to open up and bring it back to its proper and rightful foundation.
It’s not done overnight but the beginning is here.
What is the male energy then when it’s pure?
What I see is a strong, comforting, beautiful loving energy that got your back.
That is not afraid to move forward, try on new things and to stand up for itself and others.
It is not afraid to show emotions since it knows its strength and worth and that emotions are part of who we are.
It is not afraid to ask for help, since it knows that we can accomplish more as a group.
It is not afraid to lead when needed nor to listen and be still when needed.
It is a silent strength that comes from a peaceful heart & mind that is connected to all there is and there by respecting all that is. An energy that knows and believes in its possibilities without treading harshly, keeping a straight communication from the heart.
The true male essence moves us forward and it helps us raise as humans in our full potential, together with the female.
It’s a catapult to step into our own light.
For eons if times it’s been portrayed and masked as something else and yes so has the female energy as well. When they are taken to their extremes they become warped version of what is true and beautiful and something not only hard to live up to but in many cases unwanted and harmful.
Out of pressure, habits and social norms we been moulded into forms that is not in our or the world’s highest good. Now it’s coming back, in our memories, in our energy and in our minds, the rightful essence of male & female energy and I for one are welcoming it with open arms and look forward for it to take its place and release it in its full potential for us all.
What a beautiful world we can create when these two are in harmony with each other!
To all men who I think will experience this change the most, and maybe you have already started or are on your way adapting to this – You go Man!
In this Sundays podcast I’ll be doing a guided meditation on this energy theme and talk some more about it. I hope you tune in to Meditation Jam with Maria Rinné at Podcaster, Itunes, Sticher or direct in my app.