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I write about energy updates, events, channeled information, experiences, energy adventure around the world plus a lot of Love, & Light.

Maria Rinné
Nov 23, 2019
2020 Live Pure Heart Ignition
The year is getting close to end and so is this decade. A lot has happened and when I look back to who I was, what I was doing and my...

Maria Rinné
Jul 9, 2019
Eclipse Portal week one
Moving into the second week of this summer’s eclipse portal, I don’t know if you’ve felt it but it’s been a massive energetic download....

Jul 1, 2019
Summer Ignition
This summer we are going through yet another eclipse season with energetic portals that helps us in our transition to connect with our...

Maria Rinné
Apr 23, 2019
Energy Adventure to Norway
The energy from West Norway started calling a few years back, however (maybe because it is so close to where I live) I forgot about it....

Maria Rinné
Apr 15, 2019
Spring Energy Web tour
A am happy to announce some dates where I will be live on the Webb for you to join me in Moon meditations and Heart ignitions this...

Maria Rinné
Oct 21, 2018
What's up week 43
It’s been some time since my last weekly "What’s up". What I thought was a summer break turned out to be a few months where this part of...

Maria Rinné
Jun 30, 2018
Universal unfolding
Ever since my last energy adventure to Wales I keep getting these solids aha moments where information drops into my mind from my body...

Maria Rinné
Dec 11, 2017
What's up week 50
This is a bright week with time to hang back, relax maybe enjoy a Christmas party and let your shoulders drop. It’s going to be the most...

Maria Rinné
Sep 14, 2017
Welcome Male Energy
I’ve noticed a change going on and I like to confirm it with you all, to speed up it's movement. We have had an awakening of the female...

Maria Rinné
May 27, 2017
Head or Heart
We are in a massive energy shift that is a game changer when it comes how to create our life. Going from Head based to Heart based. This...

Maria Rinné
May 12, 2017
Circle of Light
Right now we have an energy roaming the earth that is showing us a new way of life. The energy is helping us, but we also need to take...

Maria Rinné
Mar 17, 2017
Fulfilling life – that is a big sentence and when I travelled to Lake Como last year I had no idea what to expect out of this energy...

Maria Rinné
Feb 14, 2017
Happy Valentine’s Day
In some cultures this day represented first day of spring, cleanse from negative energies & plant new seeds. Sounds great added with a...

Feb 2, 2017
A few years back when I had been going to yoga classes for about a year I suddenly got myself a life lesson, right there on the yoga-mat....

Pure Heart
Feb 1, 2017
To move with the Flow sounds easy but can be tricky since it means shutting off our analytic and controlling side of the brain, to...

Pure Heart
Jan 4, 2017
Adjust or Resist...
Yesterday I was travelling by train with my nephew on a three hours journey when it suddenly stopped in the middle of nowhere. After a...

Pure Heart
Oct 27, 2016
Pure Heart Energy Tour - Day 2
Creativity, Perseverance & Connection. That sums up the day with a broad brush. Starting (like always on these tours) to connect and in a...

Pure Heart
Oct 26, 2016
Pure Heart Energy Tour - Day 1
Today Pure Heart Energy Tour started and first day was a travel day. I've known I would be going to Ireland for some time but got the...

Pure Heart
Oct 18, 2016
I’m very excited about finding out where we will land with the energy tools of Connection in todays guided meditation (18/10). In our...

Pure Heart
May 21, 2016
After the last Magical Mystery Tour to Lake Como it’s like a well of insights and deep understanding has opened up wide and strong within...
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