Breath in the sun! Fill your heart and your intentions with Joy, look for it actively and accept it when it arrives.
Way to often we let good times go by unnoticed or unappreciated only to focus on what’s wrong in life or a situation.
This week you’ll get help from the sun to anchor your intentions of letting the energy of Joy into your heart, life and day.
Your shore is to set the intention every morning, invite it into your life and see how it falls upon you as easy as sunrays on a cloud free day. Not to bad of a deal right!
Last week Mercury went retrograde and we have Jupiter in retrograde giving us the opportunity to reassess, re-examine and re-do our plans and visions. To go deep and see what still comes up in life that we don’t want and how can we change it. One way is to take responsibility for our part of whatever it is that is repeating itself. How are we handling or looking upon the issue? Are we attracting the same actions or circumstances over and over? If so, this is a good time to acknowledge our part to set it free and start a new path.
Maybe we need to do some more research before proceeding. Take a seminar, go back to school, start an apprenticeship, read a book. Anything that can get our motivation going and change what we need to change. Also, to enhance our long-term projects in a new direction. If you like to change careers, now is the time. Look for a work that represents who you are at this point in life.
Social relationships are highlighted this week. It kicks-off on Wednesday (28/3), indicating unpredictability and shocking events. Wednesday is not a good day to take a risk in love or money. Then there is a temporary slowdown on Thursday, that places obstacles in our paths. Take some chill out time this day and stay in the middle of the road.
Saturday, we have an astrological shift that’s upbeat and the next three weeks are a good time for social relationships, self-esteem and find finances to experience easy growth.
On Saturday there is also a Libra Full Moon, a marker of completion like with every Full Moon.
Affirmation of the week - I allow and intend Joy to fill my heart and day!
In this week balancing meditation, we work with our throat chakra, to clear the energy and communication within and from ourselves. You’ll find it at the Meditation Bar – Lunch Time Chill.
Keeping it light!
P.s over the moon happy about my upcoming Energy Adventure to Wales in May. Open to join from a distance or live. Energies we’ll be working with is Joy & Beauty – Instant Magical Creation. Please read more at www.mariarinne.com/wales and feel free to contact me if you have any questions about joining.