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Energy update 13-19 of January

Be who you are, fully and loving!


Moving into this week, there is both a busy and a calm energy for us to tune into, to bring balance.

If you have been in a more calm mode lately, then this week is good to add some movement, still enjoying the calm moments . Maybe take a first step on your plans. Or explore, going deeper with your plans and thoughts in a quite space, if you’ve been busy lately.

While you are doing this remember to also have time where you enjoy the moment as it is, not to get caught up in the future but also enjoying what is.

This week we have help from the Universe to add that sparkle of joy into our thoughts, our plans, and our day.

It is needed for sure with everything going on. To hold the energy light for all those who are in distress at this time and have other things at focus.

I’ve been following the fires in LA with friends living in Woodland Hills, just above Malibu. They are okay and ready to leave their home if/when the direction comes. The pictures are unbelievable, and I send so much love and energy to all affected on the west coast.

In situations like this humanity comes forth and shows itself from the best side. Reaching out helping hands and turning up as one. Sure, there are also those going in the opposite direction, but as far as I can tell they are way outnumbered.

Times like this also brings another value to life and what matters, like when Covid hit. Suddenly we get back to the core importance in life. It’s our loved ones, pets and to be alive that matters most, not things.

Astrological we are heading into a few weeks where it may seem to get tumultuous out in the world. At a time like this, its good listen to your inner wisdom before jumping on any bandwagon in either direction. Take a beat and avoid getting wrapped up in anger or fear.  That vibe doesn't need more fuel.

With an emotional Full Moon in Cancer starting the week on Monday, emotions may surface more than usual. However, since its’s in Cancer it’s emotions that wants to nurture, take care of home and family. Just look out to not being overly sensitive or needy.

This Cancer Full Moon could also surface some of your unconscious, deeply buried emotions of fear, anger and frustration from your ego. It’s not to give you a hard time but to help enhance your inner compass in life. So that you can lay a new strategy in life. One that is built on your heart and soul. If any of these emotions flares up, step away to ground yourself and see what’s behind it before acting. Maybe it wants to show you where you are holding back yourself.

At the evening, we have an energy improving your inspiration and insights.

On Tuesday there are some vibes helping to change a situation that might have gone on too long for your liking. Whether it’s a thought pattern, action, habit or something you’ve been indulging in to much over the holidays. Now help is here so that you can get back on track again.

For me it’s been too many late nights, and I’ve come a bit out of sync to my daily rhythm and look forward to some energetic assistance with this.

By Wednesday you may connect to your needs on a deeper level.

Then on Thursday anger and frustration may swirl the ether yet again. Like earlier step away if it affects you and this time see if there is still a part of you that you are not being real with. Maybe a part of you that you show to your friends and family but keep hidden at work, or the opposite. Any part of you that is your core but so far only allowed in certain situations. Now it’s time to be fully you and the Universe is here helping you today with this. To act in love, with compassion despite any fear or anger.

We deepen this on Friday when more illusions of who you truly are is being lifted. It’s time to connect to you higher, creative self. To listen to who it is you like to be and what life you like to create.

Saturday is a productive time to get organized.

We end the week with the Sun moving sign to Aquarius. A masculine, fixed, air sign. Even though it’s a fixed sign, the energy is unpredictable (it’s connected to Uranus that loves to break rules). Aquarius love inventions, humanitarian conquests and is into personal freedom like no other and adores change. This freedom energy isn’t too bad at this point with a lot of emotions flowing around. To be strong in what it is YOU want, like and want to go . It’s not about following the masses but go deep and listen to your needs and wants.

Be who you are, fully and loving!




This week, I've used the Fairy Tarot cards by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine - Three of Autumn. Please click on the pictures to read.


**My take on the card for the energy of the week –.I feel this card enhance the red thread of the week to really listen to yourself, your emotions and go your way steered by your heart. To release remains of fears and old beliefs that has held you back To stand in your truth. At times it may take a while to see the results but as long as you follow your heart, it can never go wrong.

Autumn is the series equivalent to pentacles in the usual tarot and talks about our material and earthly aspects of life. The work we do or want to do. Our sense of safety and security, as well as our physical well-being and finances.  


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Maria Rinné Energy - Activate & Ignite Life Force & Purpose  *  Copyright ©Maria Rinné  *

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