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Energy update 14 – 20 of October

Writer's picture: Maria RinnéMaria Rinné

When my heart speaks - I Listen.


This is a week to reflect, so that you can let go and release anything no longer for you.

Anyone no longer for you, let them go. It’s not about never seeing someone again but letting them go to grow for now. When you find yourself on the same vibration, then your path might meet again. If not right now, then this is about your journey and their journey. If the path is to be separated at this point, then let it be so.

It could also be letting go of outdated non-working beliefs about yourself. It is really time to go deep within, to reflect and bring your beautiful self out. Not the one that’s been told how you are but the one where you just are you.

Take a deep breath and let yourself shine.

When you let go there could be a feeling of sadness, fear, or feeling uncomfortable, starting in your mind and ego. Don’t misinterpret that for keeping something that is no longer for you. Just acknowledge the emotion and keep on following your hearts direction.

In my last pod episode that was out yesterday/Sunday, we connect to an energy of letting go to awaken and expand. You’ll find it at the usual outlets.

This week’s main event is a Super Full Moon in Aries on Thursday that influences the energy of the week.

But let’s start with the energy on Monday that can help you heal your heart. To find balance in beauty, to walk through life with joy and light. Again (like last week) its about you taking leadership of yourself. Now this week it could be by you being challenged by someone else, who is telling you what to think or do. Go deep within and react with grace. This is your path, your life and your hearts guidance that is here for you to follow. If you are up for it then old cords holding you back are about to be released.

Come Wednesday questions may surface around love and what it is. Not the romantic love in movies but real love to life, yourself and its true essence.

This day veils area also lifted for you to see who you truly are, behind any armor and layers of protection. To see yourself with an energy of love, true love.

Then on Thursday the Aires Super Full Moon is her to help release and shed that which is no longer serving you. To bring energy, excitement, and passion into your life.

The part of you that has been in competition with the world, is healing. The part of you that has been about ”me, myself and I” is healing to co-exist instead of control and manipulation. To see your beautiful self, so that you can create your day not someone else’s day. It’s as if your star seeds, that you came with are being activated.

Then on Friday this energy is integrated into your body and reality. What you want to do and create is staring to take shape. Now this is why it’s so good to have taken some time to reflect at the beginning of the week.

On Saturday and Sunday, the energy of love is deepening within you. This could come with heightened emotions, so be kind to yourself and make sure you rest when needed.





This week, I've used the oracle cards Earth Magic by Steven D. Farmer – Dawn/New Beginnings.

Please click on the pictures to read.


*My take on the card for the energy of the week – This card reaffirms that it is time to let go of the old. To make space and start to connect to the one you are today. Do it without rushing or pushing, but just like the day breaks gently, yet firm from the dark night, continue to take the steps. To listen to your guidance and release what is no longer for you. Do it with love and grace. We are at the dawn of a new era and way of life, where your heart knows the way so you may step back and let it lead. However, it is up to you to make the changes as they are presented for you.

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Maria Rinné Energy - Activate & Ignite Life Force & Purpose  *  Copyright ©Maria Rinné  *

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