I feel the universal love moving through me.
There’s been a lot going on for a while when it comes to energies and transformation, and I had a fun realization the other day. I noticed and reflected that I’m lately eating a lot of green food. Now, I’m always big on green food and salads but it is usually mixed with a lot of other colorful food and vegetables. Right now, and for some time it is all greens in different variations.
With green representing our heart chakra, I got a visualization about the energy that we are moving through and how it can take shape also in our food. We are going deeper into ourselves, our hearts and soul and to help expand and open that channel, apparently, I needed to match the energy in my food as well. So much fun to notice when things shifts that wasn’t born as an idea in your mind but an action from the body.
Going into this week the energy is here to help us slowly start to surface from this transformational energy that’s been moving through the last months. To use it and adapt it’s new ways into our lives. For example, maybe being drawn to a certain food, activity, maybe a new way to work or looking to meet new people that you vibe with.
We are almost like a flower pushing through the ground, testing out our new leaves/ costume, our updated costume. With this there could be a bit of confusion or questions also surfacing at the beginning since the first step may feel a little bit wobbly. Approach it with a sense of joy, a sense of exploring. Without judgement, without control and allow yourself to just be. Be yourself straight up, and the energy will find you and speak through you for you to interpret its guidance.
It could also come to that you need to put your foot down in interactions with others, to stand your new ground. If so, do it with love and grace. Your change is new, so let your surroundings catch up in their time, instead of pushing it. This vibe could start already on Monday. So, remember to be firm but kind. Know your boundaries, maybe new boundaries and be open and clear about them before it becomes an issue.
Come Tuesday your ability to express yourself and your wisdom from your heart is enhanced.
Then on Wednesday the sun shifts from Libra to passionate Scorpio. Now it’s time to adapt an eagle eye view of life. Both in the sense of seeing it from another perspective as being able to focus on the smaller details and release any veils holding you back.
When the Sun moves through Scorpio that is a fixed, female water sign, your emotions will help guide you on your way, just look out for what emotions comes from your heart and which are created in your mind and ego.
This could be felt already on Thursday with your subconscious wanting to surface and be part of your day and show you your way.
We then enter Friday with an energy that is just like that flower breaking through earth. You may now want to break free from whatever is holding you back in life and start a new- or go deeper with an adventure. Use it wisely and lovingly. Remember not everyone knows or understands your journey and they might want to keep you as you were. Again, meet that energy with love and understanding but keep your path clear and ongoing.
Come weekend you may start to look for kindred spirits, that is surfing the same wave as you in life.
I feel the universal love moving through me!
P.s. On Saturday at 4pm CET I’m hosting a live talk at Insight Timer, the subject is The Art of Being, where I hope to inspire from my journey, insights and energy in this wide and deep subject. You'll also have a very short (1 hour) course in this subject that I recently added to Insight Timer premium Members and it's off course also in the portal. Scroll down at Rais your vibe.
This week, I've used the tarot deck – Tarot of the Celtic Fairies – by Mark McElroy – XVI/Tower.
Please click on the pictures to read.
*My take on the card for the energy of the week – I always find the Tower to have a bit of a bad reputation. I like to see it as change coming where change is needed. Things, situations, beliefs and actions that are no longer in our highest good are here to be shifted, so that we can follow our path as clear and light as possible. I think that is a good thing. This card showing up here is to let us know that there has been a shift, (the tower has already come down) and now it’s time to start the day with a new set of eyes and vibe. As I wrote in the beginning, walking in our new energetic shape, it could feel a bit wobbly at first. Like things are falling apart and the day is not the same as yesterday. Like my food, suddenly I’ve chosen something new without thinking about it.
I could reject it and think - I always add tomatoes and what not's to my salad and go back to the old ways. Or go with the flow and enjoy the change. Trust that it is here to expand and help. If we keep being stuck in the old ways, that’s when a tower moment becomes painful or scary.
The first thing I saw when looking at the card was the bolt of lightning and for me that represents focus, passion and action. To light up our path and remove veils keeping things stuck. Just like the Scorpio energy we are moving into this week.
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