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Energy update 27 of May to 2 of June

Writer's picture: Maria RinnéMaria Rinné

It is happening!


Last week of May, are you ready!

This is a week to connect to your inner strength and light. Not because you have to, not because you need to. Because you can and you want to and it is there waiting for you to reconnect in a way that it moves hand in hand with you throughout the day.

It’s that inner strength that is all loving, giving, joyful and peaceful. Connecting to this inner strength, inner light, these last days of May is like a gift. An energetic gift to meet yourself with a new view. A view where you start to feel united and one. Where the separation between your mind and your heart is starting to fade out and instead you are aligned with your light your shadows, your yin and yang, your male and female energy. With the universal energy that is all around you together with Mother Earth. It is happening.

The energy of the week wants you to use your wisdom to communicate and meat yourself and others heart to heart. To stand in your truth without leaning on someone but your heart and trust that you are ready.  It is happening.

Starting on Monday we have a female energy guiding you to new ideas and creativity from the universal consciousness.

Then on Tuesday you may have your answers or even solution to things you’ve been wondering about in your everyday life. Remember your soul and heart is here to guide you to see where your new vibration wants to take you so that your daily life is aligned with your new frequency.

This could make you feel tired by Wednesday. Allow it to be so and if you can, don’t schedule any important meetings this day. In stead schedule time with yourself.  

On Thursday there could be a smaller tug of war between your heart and mind. Old rests from your mind wanting to stay relevant. Which it always is, just not in the same way as it has been. By opening up your flow to life, a natural balance between the two will find its way moving forward.

By Friday this balance is opening you to new ideas, insights and/or unexpected offers. It’s all about staying open and leaving the old ways in the rear-view mirror.

Then on Saturday the female energy is once again strong, asking you to dare to go for your heart’s desires and guidance.

Come Sunday you may reflect over the wounds and struggles you’ve gone through over the years, how they now can be a light post for others. Maybe something you can share if you feel that is for you.

What an energy this week! Like we are finding that structure and strategy that is aligned to your higher self. One where it’s easier to show up to life and yourself.

This week we also move into the month of June on Saturday and you’ll have the energy reading together with a balancing energy meditation at the portal as usual.

Love and Light




This week, I've used the tarot cards – Tarot of the Celtic Fairies by Mark McElroy & Eldar Minibaev – Four of Stones

Please click on the pictures to read its meaning.

*My take on this card for the week – I like this Fairy tarot deck because it guides us from another angle. Four of Stones here is asking us to connect to our pure self, ways and heart and stand up and fight for it. Believe in it as well as protect it. In the traditional tarot stones is Pentacles and four of pentacles is about our stability, desire for security, and certainty and that you are doing everything within your power to create a stable environment for yourself. It’s just that this time we are to do it from our heart, not our mind. Aligned with the magical flow of life, not pushing against it nor staying where we are just for the sake of not believing in yourself. Let go and it is happening!

Go back to Pure Heart Members portal here. 


Maria Rinné Energy - Activate & Ignite Life Force & Purpose  *  Copyright ©Maria Rinné  *

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