This is a week to dream about. Monday we have a planet mix that can shake things up, but with a harmony of the planets that promise a gift at the end.
While you wait for your rewards to be delivered, take a moment and ponder your next step. Adopt a long-term perspective.
The knowledge you’ve gained since the beginning of your latest endeavour can be used to create even greater success in the future, so have a good look of what you have accomplished.
This also aligns with Tuesdays super full moon. The time around a full moon is always good to start closing up. With this full moon being at the end of the year we have a double close up, for the period and for the year.
Keep your patience right now while your dreams continue to blossom. Gather things together, be grateful for blessings and wind things down to bring the year to a harmonious close.
We get help from the new energies that are sweeping the earth this week. It’s an energy of love of warmth compassion and understanding. It is energies of another dimension that is helping us to open our hearts, our minds and our body to receive all this as much as giving and passing it on.
You can expect a warm and loving week ahead if you are open for it in unexpected places and persons.
A quick energy tool for the week where we want stay grounded with an open heart, an open energy and an open mind.
We start by taking three deep breaths to ground ourselves.
Then imagen that you are standing in a place where there is people around you. It might be people you know, don’t know or don’t know if you know.
In this place you are feeling joyful .
Then imagen yourself being lit up from within and from you, you’re lightning up one by one of all of those around you, until they have all been lit up with your loving energy.
Then stand in this beautiful energy of connection and love until you feel ready to start the day, the week. You might do this whenever you feel the need for or beginning of each day this week.
Thank you for joining!
Sat Nam