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What's up week 4

This week the energies are a bit frosted, giving us a quiet week up until Friday when Venus moves in to conflict with Saturn. This planetary conflict can brings some strains on relationships and finance.

Mars also moves in to Aires and gives us a helping hand to the Saturn/ Venus trouble. Be sure to help yourself to a big helping of Mars’s confidence and courage that will be in effect over the next six weeks.

When its real you know it, even if there could be a bit of a strain on a relationship. Allow yourself to be loved and love. Sometimes relationships goes through challenges, this isn’t the time to give up.

Stay in place of faith. Forgive or let yourself be forgiven, stay and find the resolution to a problem.

There are also energies up for grabs this week that are joyful and sharp, like a direct spot on joke. Try and see situations from a joyful mind and see if you can heat up your heart, mind and soul enough to find it and follow. Like the sun is heating up the earth.

Later on Friday a New Moon makes its entrance with some good news, bringing us opportunities to start new projects, new plans or anything that we want to get started with.

The coming two weeks of the New Moon period are a prime time for using liberty and justice to make a new start or take a different approach to something you’ve already begun.

A quick tool for the week to balance the energies;

Start by taking three breaths to ground ourselves. Then we are affirming out load or within our heads - I am strong I am beautiful & I am Love

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