I am a co-creator with Mother Earth and Father Universe.
Welcome September!
Heading into the first week of September there might be a melancholic vibe or maybe even a bit of sadness in the air. Not from any specific event, more due to closing a chapter and letting go of parts that you want to let go off. Still, it might feel as a Goodbye.
Allow this feeling if it shows up to move through without holding on or trying to fix, control or push. Just let it move through you. If something feels sad when you let go then that means that you will remember it and that it is something that has meant something, even though it might be time to let it go.
Or maybe the feeling is here without you knowing why. Again, allow it to move through.
This week, grounding is a beautiful way to start the month. In nature or where you have the possibility to set your intention and ground your lovely light each day as the co-creator you are.
Your light that it is time to spread, to be of service in what ever way that looks like for you. When doing this, grounding keeps you connected to co-creation.
Monday or Tuesday depending on where you live, a New Moon in Virgo is asking you to follow your inner light and truth. When the moon moves through Virgo we have a detail-oriented energy that likes to fix and get things sorted. It is also a helpful and health-conscious energy. A great time to pay attention to your diet, exercise, and daily schedules.
With a New Moon energy being a good time for starting things, this is a great week to get going with your plans.
This moon is also about what’s in the highest good for you, the world and Mother Earth. It’s time so skip the “I” and join the “We”. With this energy in motion, structures, institutions and like might start to shift and reveal illusions. Remember we are co-creating so it's not only about the outside and what you can give or only about your inside and what you can get, but a balance between the both.
That might put relationships into focus. Are they healthy and loving or time to shift or let go. Listen to your heart and follow its guidance. Be truthful and trust what feels right deep within. This month starting this week our soul is calling you asking you to listen, trust and let your intuition that is connected to the Universal consciousness guide you.
On Wednesday there might be some frustration in the air if things are being put on a hold or not moving at your pace or your surroundings. Remember that with patience we get some time to feel and not just do or rush.
Thursday comes with some more of those feelings, adding a bit of stress if your right to express yourself is questioned.
This continues on Friday and Saturday. Again, remember to ground your beautiful light and keep going with your truth and intuition from your heart, in a loving way that is inclusive. It’s We time not Me time.
These days may also help you find some new strategies in how to create a more conscious driven day and society.
If you want some more information about the energy in September, the energy recording is not out in here at the portal together with a balancing meditation under Monthly Update.
I am a co-creator with Mother Earth and Father Universe,
This week, I've used the oracle cards – Native Spirit by Denise Linn - Walking in Beauty
Please click on the pictures to read its meaning.
My take on the card for this week - A week to balance your beautiful energy with the beauty in Mother Earth and Father Universe. Feeling that union and connection and remembering that you are beautiful. Since we are stardust in a human body, how could we not be. Speak lovingly to yourself, think uplifting thoughts and if you find yourself going down a rabbit hole of negative thinking. Break the cycle and as I mentioned in the News letter - say to yourself - okey I thought or said that but I am still Love and Light.
Hozho Naasha!
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