If I known when I started my inner journey how rewarding shining a light on my shadows would be I might have focused more on that to start with. On the other hand, I might not have started at all, seeing how deeply rooted they were, how long it would take to remove some layers and the journey it took me on. I'm happy I did though!
I’m sure I have a truck load more to go through but lately I find myself feeling light and connected in a new way. Like all the energy work since my start in 2004, finally has started to bare fruits not only in a moment or situation here and there but as a grounded feeling throughout my day.
It’s a feeling in my body I didn’t know I was missing because I’ve never felt it before, or at least can’t remember that I have.
It is a peaceful feeling of joy, excitement and lust for life. It’s a feeling of how magical the days are even when there are uncomfortable situations. It’s a feeling of being connected, accountable and open to my journey. A sense of beauty of nature and humanity. In other words, a new deep-routed feelgood state.
I’m not saying this to brag or pretend it’s all roses and sunshine. It’s life. It’s not perfect and I don’t have all my pieces in place. In fact, on paper there is a lot missing in my day if you look at what society regards as a successful life.
But I feel great and ready for what’s in store.
Instead of trying to fight, compete, react or control my life, I trust, listen and interact with life with gratitude.
I’ve been working with an energy of heart connection and communication for some time and can now proudly say that it is a game changer for a more joyful new way of life.
I say this to anyone starting your inner journey, wanting to start or maybe being in the midst of it. Please continue, it’s rewarding even if you don’t feel it at the moment or know where it takes you.
If you are like I was, eager to see results, feeling like you are doing something wrong when they are not instantly visible to start with. Keep going anyway.
If you find yourself questioning your journey, your new choices, keep going anyway and find the ways that feels right for you. It doesn’t have to be what everyone else does. It could be something complete different. Listen to your intuition and heart.
Go deeper, connect and ask for answers and then stay open to when they arrive. Do the work because one day, it all shifts. One day it makes sense, and your shadows turns to beautiful lessons, wisdom and rewards.
When you start to take accountability for life, your thoughts, your shadows, behaviors, please look deep. Stay in your light as it is trying to show you your way. Be humble to the fact that you don’t have all the answers, and the way things have been done might have to change. Also, that not everything can be solved by logic or your mind.
With a very humble approach to life, today I stand tall to say that I feel good. I’ve gone through some years looking at parts of me that I didn’t knew I had nor really wanted to take accountability for. I kept digging, connecting and doing the work and this is where it has taken me. Truly grateful and aware of the work involved and that I want to continue. I know I’ve made it past some big hurdles and WOW is not cutting the feeling.
I’m grateful to be a guide and shine the way for anyone that is walking this path that is so beautifully beyond your mind. Starting in your heart, connected to the universe, and our beautiful magical earth.
This autumn I will hold some live classes at Insight Timer around my journey, lessons, tools and the energy I connect to. Make sure you follow my teacher page there (Insight Timer) or social media for dates and time, if you like to hear more.
Some dates are to be announced shortly, others during the autumn.
Keep going and Keep your beautiful heart open to life, love and joy!