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Energyupdate 20 - 26 of May

Writer's picture: Maria RinnéMaria Rinné

My dreams and goals are anchored in love, light and joy!


The heatwave continues here in Sweden, and it is like we are mid summer, except for the water not yet being warmed up fully. It is such a lovely feeling, smells, sounds and picture that nature is painting. Truly anchored in love, light and joy.

Going into this week with a Sagittarius Full Moon influencing it is still a kind of peaceful and calm vibe going through the week. However the energy is starting its engines to become active again. Not in this strong potent way like the beginning of the month, but it is starting to bubble below the surface. It is calling your attention to your next steps you next task your next process, your next journey.

Whatever it might be it is here to ignite your passion to start to move again. Your task is to make sure it is ignited and anchored in love, light and joy. That’s when the flow will follow you hand in hand. It’s not about dreaming and visioning in the old ways where logic, judgment, comparison or have-to's are the main ingredients. Those will stop the flow. So look at your dreams, visions and goals what lies behind them. Why are you dreaming about it and shift is it's the old energy behind it.

To go deeper with the flow of life was the energy that yesterday’s pod was all about. One step further into letting go of what is holding us back to dive deeper into the flow of life together with Mother Earth and the Universe. You'll find it at the usual channels.

We start the week with a Sun shift when we move from earthy Taurus into airy and fun seeking Gemini. A perfect vibe to build our goals and visions from joy and light. When the sun moves through Gemini that is mutable and masculine energy, you may feel drawn to new experiences and communication. There is also a vibe of changing your mind during this time. Go with the flow and see where it takes you. It’s a perfect time to go out and mingle, reconnecting with old friends and new. Your self esteem could be on top this period. So again a great time for adjusting or reset your dreams and goals from a vibe of love, light and joy.

This day Monday, there is also an energy that helps us pull away veils that may have stopped you to connect to who you truly are. That beautiful you that is all about light and love. When the Sun moves into Gemini this day you will also have a lovely assistance to combine your spiritual parts with your earthly parts, so again who you truly are. Stay open, flexible and curious.

Another celestial event this day is that there is an opening of the Pleiadians Portal from the 20-21 of May. I love this star constellation and have got a lot of information channeled from it. These seven stars (or seven sisters as it is known as)  is said to be home to advanced beings that spread the message of love and light. The times I’ve connected the information has always been amazing. So why not take a moment to tune in and just sit in the energy of this portal for a while, I know I will.

On Tuesday your soul might wants to be heard and to stay peaceful and calm this day or moments of the day and listen to your soul that will speak to you. Too show you your dreams, goals and new visions.

Wednesday might feel a bit fated with fate as you can go deep into yourself to pull out any ghost or shadows into the light, for them to heal and shift. Be kind with yourself so you wont loose your vibe and start a blame game with yourself.

Then on Thursday we have the lovely optimistic Full Moon in Sagittarius. Infusing an energy that is open to let go of anything no longer working from your past. It is a good day to spend outside in nature to vibe with this spontaneous energy. This Full Moon also comes with a gift that makes it easier for you to go in the direction of your soul. The direction that feels light, loving and joyful. See the theme that keeps showing up…

I’m hosting a live Moon meditation at Insight Timer on Thursday at 3.30 pm CET, when the moon peaks. If you can’t join ( I know it’s a bit of a strange time for a weekday) then It will be out in my usual channels after.

On Friday the energetic focus lies on your inner resources and ability to become the leader of yourself. To listen to yourself and follow your own inner guidance, the one that is grounded in love, light and joy.

Then on Saturday it is time to remember who you are, after the veils have gone and your heart is open to listen.

This day I’m hosting my last talk for this season at Insight Timer and we’ll dive into the subject of Connecting to your Pure Purpose for a more joyful way of life. I’ll be going live at 2pm CET and I’m really excited to talk about my new favorite subject as this has become.

Love, Light, and Joy



For this week, I've used the tarot cards – Fairy Tarot by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine – Queen of Spring.

Please click on the pictures to read its meaning.

*My take on this card for the week – First Spring in this deck is the same as Wands in usual tarot decks. Meaning action, passion, fire and forward moving energy. This is when things start to happen and the Queen is a leader. She is someone that takes charge of her life from her heart. So, to compare it with the energy of the week it kind of sums it up. A great week to take leadership of your life, from a vibe that is connected to your heart. Vision your new dreams and goals and get ready to start the steps when the time is right. But right now listen and take notes and feel confident in your new ways from your heart.

Go back to Pure Heart Members portal here. 


Maria Rinné Energy - Activate & Ignite Life Force & Purpose  *  Copyright ©Maria Rinné  *

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