I woke up this morning feeling joyful and happy with a sense of WELCOME 2021, it’s going to be a good year! I’m not saying it’s a year without challenges, but the overall feeling is bubbly, happy and light and I welcome it!
Ten years ago, I woke up with a similar feeling. Back then I was travelling the outback’s of Australia with two courageous and beautiful women in a 4-wheel drive. Val was our guide/teacher, and I was a student. The land had just nearly been swept away in heavy flooding so when we started our journey in Perth there where sometimes only half roads to navigate and the other half could be like driving in a pool of high water. Some roads where completely gone.
I remember at one point we encountered a man who was rebuilding a road, with the knowledge that it might be swept away the following week (there was talk about another rainstorm coming). We made our condolences of the heavy never-ending work and he just smiled and said: - No, the land needs water it’s good and jokingly continued this has been great since my mother-in-law couldn’t visit us for Christmas. Beautiful energy and there are always two sides and the question is which side do we give our energy and focus to.
It was an amazing adventure, both inner and outer and almost like being in a Disney film. We had animals guide us in nature and it was like an instant creation/manifestation showing us the way and keeping us safe and light. The energy we connected to was very strong, to the brink of can I hold this. We did and we anchored some deep energetic roots to the land, Mother Earth and ourselves.
New Years eve we spend on a Truckstop in the middle of nowhere, sharing a pudding of some sort as dinner and it was one of the most amazing New years ever. As fireworks we had a thunderstorm in the horizon, in a beautiful display of how a is done by Mother Nature. The whole sky was in the colour of gold, matching the energy we were connecting to.
During these 10 years a lot has happened, changed and shifted and the journey is long from over that we started. Today I feel so grateful and happy for all the ups and downs, for everyone I met on the way and for following my heart when it told me to go on this journey, that started long before that but escalated with a bang at New Years in the outback of Australia.
I just read a line in my notebook from this day 10 years ago and I now know I didn’t fully understand it then, but I do now, and it says - I am not one with nature I am nature.
Thank you all who are joining this journey we call life by doing the best you can each and every day. Showing up, continuing to explore and expand our magical parts, the unknown outback’s of our inner mind, body, soul, and heart. We are all students and teachers in our own life and now we continue this journey into the Age of Aquarius that as far as my body let’s me know is going to be one for the books!
Also I like to thank you all for joining me, liking, subscribing, listening and sharing this Pure Heart energy that I was introduced to this day 10 years ago on a very special rock in the centre of Australia!
2021 – here we go and Thank you all!
Grateful and light Happy New Year’s Love!