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Energy update 16 - 22 of September

Writer's picture: Maria RinnéMaria Rinné


I am a vessel of light!


Even though there is a lot happening this week, the energy can feel neutral, or maybe more balanced like the equinox we have on Sunday.

An energy that is neither here nor there, leaving us with a good week to pause, recuperate or regather your thoughts, actions, energy and reset to a new balance.

We start on Monday where a break in conversation is beneficial for a quieter period. Take a breather and don't start anything new.

You may be challenged though, to balance a fear of conflict with an ego-based vibe of "me, myself and I". If this shows up, take a break, a step back and let your heart guide you by going beyond fear and beyond ego.

This day is also not an ideal time to launch new projects or do manifesting rituals. The latter goes for the whole week.  

Tuesday’s energy wants you to remember why you are here, your purpose this time around. Stay open, journal or just allow your thoughts and inspiration to move through you without holding back or adding judgment or analysis.

I’m hosting a live Eclipse and Moon meditation on Tuesday at Insight Timer and looking forward to see where the energies will take us. If you can’t join, it will also be out in the usual platforms after.

Then on Wednesday or Tuesday depending on where you live, we have a strong Pisces Super Full Moon and Partial Lunar Eclipse.

First, when the moon moves through Pisces it is all about emotions, intuition, and emotional sensitivity. So, prepare for your feelings to speak to you.

Since it’s a Super Full Moon, meaning it’s closer to earth than usual, the energy is also more potent. This one is here to reveal any old, outdated identities that you might have been carrying. With the purpose for your soul to take a center stage in your life.

This is also the start of this seasons eclipse period with a partial Lunar Eclipse. During eclipse time it’s an intense period of “cancel, clear, delete”. With your soul and heart wanting to take center stage. Ask yourself what it is that you may need to let go. What is no longer aligned with your inner journey and energy.

With this lunar eclipse we also have a double whammy in regard to emotions that may intensify as we feel the energy of the creative, spiritual and compassionate traits of Pisces together with the eclipse being a Lunar eclipse.

But it is also a good time for endings and culminations, so that you can make space for a new you. To shed what is no longer serving, just like the leaves fall of the trees during autumn.

I feel it's good that this is an emotional time or a good time to be guided by your strong emotions because during eclipse periods its about your destiny and soul path being adjusted. So, if you try to control or steer it with your mind and ego by for example manifesting or other rituals, you may be redirecting destiny in a negative way. So step back, take a breather and let your intuition and emotions show you the way.

Then on Thursday your Self-expression may flow easy, to bring you freedom and a chance for a new version of you.

An energy of your beautiful, inner wisdom may surface on Friday. Be aware and open to what shows up. Be a vessel of light by staying open to life and not directing it at this point.

We end the week on Sunday with an Autumn Equinox here in the Northern Hemisphere. A day where day and night is in perfect balance. A good day to balance also the energies within yourself, your feminine and masculine (or yin and yang) energy. This days balance allows you to see yourself more clearly, enabling you to continue to make the necessary adjustments for personal growth.

The Equinox also offers a unique opportunity to connect with nature's power and the cosmos' wisdom. It's a moment to reflect on your inner growth, release stagnant energies. Just as nature is cyclic so are the events in your lives and this day is a great reminder that seasons comes and goes and that a time for balance and reset is here.

At the same day the Sun moves from Virgo to Libra. When the Sun is in Libra it is a great time to focus on relationships, collaboration and teamwork. No surprise since Libra starts on an Equinox day, we are stepping into a period of balance.

I am a vessel of light!




This week, I've used the oracle cards – Native Spirit by Denise Linn – Smudging Ceremony-

Please click on the pictures to read its meaning.


*My take on the card for the energy of the week – I feel this card deepens the message of us letting go, clearing and making space for our heart and soul to take center stage. Weather it’s mental decluttering or physical, the time is here to let go, balance and restart. Journal, ground your body and listen to your emotions. They have a message that is easier to hear when you have cleared and balanced your body and surroundings.

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Maria Rinné Energy - Activate & Ignite Life Force & Purpose  *  Copyright ©Maria Rinné  *

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