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Energy update 9 - 15 of September

Writer's picture: Maria RinnéMaria Rinné

My heart is open, my mind is clear, and my body is grounded.


Schh listen, can you hear you soul calling you!

This week there is a depth in the energy in regard to your soul calling you, asking you to listen and take time to dive into yourself.

There is also a beautiful connection to the universal flow that you can use to dive deeper into your heart and soul. To connect with your unique wisdom, wants and desires.

If you feel any sense of chaos within or around you, take a step back, open your divine connection and start that soul communication ready to be heard and calling you home into your heart.

When doing this, illusions and grey areas of life may surface. Look at them with love and acceptance, and then let go if that is the vibe. Or dive into deeper if that is what feels right.

Be aware of what, who, where your vibration is lowered or raised. Use the Virgo Sun energy to organize your coming months so that they are filled with what’s aligned with your soul. Maybe it’s time to try something new, different or again go deeper with what you’ve started. But do it for you, not because it’s what you’ve always done or, how someone around you does it. This is your journey and soul wisdom that is here to guide you.

This is also a good week to take extra care of your body. If there has been something you like to shift, change, start, stop – now’s the time. Focus on what also gives your soul nourishment.

So we start the week on Monday with an energy that is great for just this. To focus on your health. It is also a great day to find a more holistic view of your work or looking back and seeing a red thread moving through to guide you what to do next.

Monday could also show up with some solar flares, that can affect our bodies (and the weather). Be gentle with yourself. Take a breather and listen.

On Tuesday we get another flow of energy wanting to express our adventures side, you know the one that is looking for freedom. Freedom to express yourself from your heart and soul.  

Wednesday could be an emotionally charged day. Maybe you start to notice how other people, events or outer circumstances has or are affecting you and influencing your thoughts. Some inspiring some not so much. Stay aware and awake and keep what feel right to your soul and heart.

We are in a time where our own path is to be prioritized. When moving from your heart and soul we can always be certain that it won’t be in a way that is harmful for us or our surroundings, since we are all connected. So, take a moment to dive into your heart and ask if there is anything you’ve been wanting to start, try or go for but haven’t dared to. A small step in that direction is a start. 

This day the moon enters its first quarter and that is a good time to set intentions, let ideas begin to take shape.

On Thursday thoughts and ideas could feel harmonious and rewarding to increase your drive, energy and self-expression.  

By Friday we welcome a lucky, female energy to our day. This energy continues over the weekend that has a vibe of celebration. So much so that you may fall in love with life again, a person or a new project. It’s a good weekend to plan something fun.

We end the week on Sunday with a flow that guides you to what and how you love in an easy way, bringing expansion and luck.

My heart is open, my mind is clear, and my body is grounded.




This week, I've used the tarot cards – The Medicine Woman by Carol Bridget – Eight of Bowls.

Please click on the pictures to read its meaning.

*My take on the card for the energy of the week –First off, this card literally jumped out of the deck as I was starting, and I feel its message strongly aligned with our soul communication. In the usual tarot this card equals 8 of cups, pointing you  to look at where in life you are disappointed, have emotional setbacks and like. What is it left to be healed.

 In this deck it tackles that from another angle and asks you to dive deep, listen and then start to make adjustments so that you move closer to that beautiful loving life from our soul. Let go what’s no longer for you, whether it’s a thought pattern, habit or action/reaction. Do it from love and gratitude. Keep what is working or what draws your interest to go deeper. Organize and plan your next moves. Not necessarily in detail but direction. We are on a journey to love to ourselves this week and with that could also love to life and others arrive.

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Maria Rinné Energy - Activate & Ignite Life Force & Purpose  *  Copyright ©Maria Rinné  *

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