Maria RinnéMar 17, 2017Workshop FULFILLING LIFEFulfilling life – that is a big sentence and when I travelled to Lake Como last year I had no idea what to expect out of this energy...
Pure HeartMay 21, 2016FREE YOUR MINDAfter the last Magical Mystery Tour to Lake Como it’s like a well of insights and deep understanding has opened up wide and strong within...
Pure HeartApr 10, 2016TrustThis past week after arriving home from the Magical Mystery Tour around Lake Como, I've had an urge to trust. Trust life, the Universe...
Pure HeartApr 2, 2016Magical Mystery Tour Lake Como has startedFirst day of this years Italian Magical Mystery Tour and it feels Brilliant! I usually look for signs while travelling, like to see if I...
Pure HeartFeb 21, 2016Lake ComoVery excited about the energies I'm getting from coming Magical Mystery Tour in April. It's like the lake and the mountains are calling...